Student Solution


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Chap 9 DQ Forum

Chap 9 DQ Forum

Q QUESTION: Analyze one of your most important relationships. Use the principles described in Chapter 9 to analyze this relationship by answering the following questions in your response: 1. Consider the variables of why we form relationships (attraction, similarity, complementarity, proximity, etc.). How did these variables function at the start of your relationship? 2. How do the various dialectical tensions function in this relationship? Give at least two specific examples, and describe how you managed the tension. 3. How do you maintain this relationship? What could you do to improve this maintenance?

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I am choosing to analyze the relationship that I have with my neighbour best friend, a girl who came to live in my neighbourhood a few months ago. In the beginning, we met through Face book and some neighbourhood barbeque parties and were looking for the similar things; social group, connections with other people, etc. As we got to know each other, we found we were much alike. We are both strong-willed and sarcastic and because of that we hit it off right away.